7369. Connecticut Administrative Law
2.00 credits
Grading Basis: Graded
While the study of Administrative Law tends to concentrate on Federal Law, many attorneys will engage with state or municipal administrative agencies with much greater frequency than the federal government. This course, while still teaching the basics of Administrative Law, seeks to fill that gap by preparing the attorney to practice before Connecticut¿s state and municipal agencies. By examining cases reviewing actions of a variety of state agencies and municipalities throughout Connecticut, this course will cover the commonalities and peculiarities that are the reality of state practice. Cases assigned throughout the semester will involve zoning boards, hospitals, towns, cities, the Department of Transportation, the Connecticut Siting Council, and more. Readings will include statutes, regulations, agency decisions, and court decisions reviewing agency decisions. Emphasis will be given to some areas, like environmental, development, or energy law, where Federal and State Administrative law meet in a rich and accessible body of cases.