7556. Clinic: Elder Law
3.00 credits
Prerequisites: None.
Grading Basis: Graded
Students in this clinic interview, counsel and draft advance-planning documents for low-income seniors and persons with disabilities, under the supervision of experienced elder-law attorneys. Students receive training in the applicable law and lawyering skills and travel to senior centers, assisted-living facilities, and other locations convenient for seniors in order to meet with clients. Students assist clients with the preparation and execution of simple wills, powers of attorney, advance health-care directives, and, in select cases, special needs trusts for persons with disabilities. In addition, students may provide counseling regarding needs-based public benefits (Medicaid, veterans' benefits, etc.) and when issues of elder abuse by guardians, conservators arise. To accommodate the schedules of students who work or have other full-time commitments during the day (for whom the Clinic is specially designed) the seminar meets in the evening and all fieldwork takes place on evenings and weekends. Evening Division students will also be given enrollment priority. There are no prerequisites but some background in elder law, disability law, and/or a related area is strongly preferred.