Law Course Catalog

7616. Clinic: Environmental Law

3.00 credits | May be repeated for a total of 6 credits.


Grading Basis: Graded

This clinic is offered in collaboration with the Connecticut Fund for the Environment (CFE) and its bi-state program, Save the Sound. CFE/Save the Sound is the premier non-profit public-interest legal advocate for Connecticut's environment. Students work directly with CFE/Save the Sound attorneys on matters pending before federal and state courts, administrative agencies, and the state legislature. An on campus bi-weekly, (every two weeks) seminar class taught by CFE/Save the Sound Senior Legal Counsel and visiting experts will focus on Connecticut environmental law and advocacy. This clinic requires a minimum of 10 clinical work per week, 8 of which must occur on-site at the CFE New Haven office. This is a one semester clinic, but students have the opportunity to continue their work in subsequent semesters through Advanced Fieldwork.