Law Course Catalog

Link Subj Cat # Course Title
LAW 7290 Criminal Policy Practicum
LAW 7291 Equity
LAW 7292 Bar Preparation I: Next Generation Bar Exam
LAW 7293 Bar Preparation I: Uniform Bar Exam
LAW 7294 Artificial Intelligence Ethics and Governance
LAW 7295 Constitutions, Human Rights, and Inequality
LAW 7298 Degree Candidacy - US Law Studies Program
LAW 7299 Corporations and Human Rights
LAW 7302 Environmental Justice
LAW 7303 (Zero Credit) Public Interest Fellowship
LAW 7304 Art and Artifacts Law
LAW 7305 New York Pro Bono Scholars Field Placement Seminar
LAW 7306 New York Pro Bono Scholars Field Placement
LAW 7307 Clinic: Health Equity
LAW 7308 Taxation and Racism
LAW 7309 Clinic: Transactional, Advanced Fieldwork
LAW 7310 Degree Candidacy - Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance LLM
LAW 7311 Law Firm Entrepreneurship
LAW 7312 Environmental Advocacy
LAW 7313 Data Privacy Law
LAW 7314 Healthcare Legal Operations: From the Desk of a Hospital's Chief Legal Officer
LAW 7315 Disparities to Access in Health Care
LAW 7316 Judicial Decision Making
LAW 7317 Trademark Use and Enforcement
LAW 7318 Private Equity Transactions
LAW 7319 Bias, Racism, and Cross Cultural Competency
LAW 7320 Clinic: Housing and Eviction Defense, Advanced Fieldwork
LAW 7321 Legal Tech and the Role of the In-House Lawyer
LAW 7322 Commercial Contract Drafting
LAW 7324 Law, Regulation and Financing of Insurance Technology (InsurTech) Start-Ups
LAW 7325 Mass Tort Litigation and the Role of Liability Insurance
LAW 7326 Connecticut Constitutional Law
LAW 7327 American Public Education and the Constitution
LAW 7328 State and Local Taxation, Advanced Issues
LAW 7329 Labor Law, Adv: The Legal Regulation of Strikes, Picketing, and Secondary Boycotts
LAW 7329 Labor Law: Strikes, Picketing, and Secondary Boycotts
LAW 7330 Corporate Governance and Sustainability
LAW 7330 Corporate Governance, Advianced: The Legal Architecture of ESG
LAW 7331 Empirical Analysis of Crime and Criminal Justice
LAW 7332 Felony Murder Practicum
LAW 7334 Pretrial Justice
LAW 7336 Legal Research, International
LAW 7338 Role of In-House Counsel in a Global Market
LAW 7340 Cyber Insurance
LAW 7341 Diversity and the Corporation
LAW 7344 Bioethics and the Law
LAW 7345 Compliance and Enforcement, Problems In
LAW 7354 Insurance, Current Issues In
LAW 7355 Legal Analysis, Advanced: Strategies and Techniques
LAW 7357 Insurance and Discrimination
LAW 7360 Diversity and Inclusion in the Legal Profession
LAW 7365 Speech, Society, and the First Amendment
LAW 7366 White Collar Crime
LAW 7366 White Collar Crime and Public Corruption
LAW 7367 Double Jeopardy
LAW 7369 Connecticut Administrative Law
LAW 7374 Applied Analytical Skills
LAW 7375 Trade Secrets and Innovation
LAW 7376 Access to Justice
LAW 7379 Clinic: Veterans Benefits Advocacy
LAW 7382 Captive Insurance Law
LAW 7384 Clinic: Animal Law
LAW 7385 Clinic: Animal Law, Advanced Fieldwork
LAW 7392 Degree Candidacy - Juris Doctor
LAW 7396 Certificate Program Transfer Coursework
LAW 7399 Degree Candidacy - Energy and Environmental Law LLM
LAW 7415 Clinic: Housing and Eviction Defense
LAW 7416 Clinic: Disability Rights
LAW 7472 Cannabis Law, Policy and Culture
LAW 7474 Legal Spanish
LAW 7476 Space Law
LAW 7478 Advanced Writing, Research and Analysis
LAW 7480 Global Compliance and the Organization
LAW 7483 Financial Accounting and Reporting
LAW 7491 Detached Study
LAW 7494 Degree Candidacy - Insurance Law Program
LAW 7497 Directed Studies, Full Time Study Abroad
LAW 7498 Transfer Coursework
LAW 7499 Rank/Quintile Statistics
LAW 7500 Civil Procedure
LAW 7501 Civil Procedure I
LAW 7502 Civil Procedure II
LAW 7503 Contracts I
LAW 7504 Contracts II
LAW 7505 Contracts
LAW 7510 Criminal Law
LAW 7518 Legal Practice: Research and Writing
LAW 7519 Legal Practice: Negotiation
LAW 7520 Legal Practice: Interviewing, Counseling and Advocacy
LAW 7525 Property
LAW 7526 Property I
LAW 7530 Torts
LAW 7535 U.S. Law and Legal Institutions
LAW 7540 Constitutional Law, An Introduction
LAW 7541 Constitutional Law I
LAW 7542 Constitutional Law II
LAW 7546 Center for Energy and Environmental Law, Advanced Fieldwork
LAW 7553 Compliance Systems, Case Studies In
LAW 7554 Compliance: The Legal Perspective
LAW 7555 Property II
LAW 7556 Clinic: Elder Law
LAW 7560 Evidence
LAW 7561 Evidence Law and Critical Theory
LAW 7561 Evidence, Problems In
LAW 7563 Life Insurance, Annuities, Disability and Long Term Care Insurance
LAW 7565 Legal Profession
LAW 7568 Climate Law
LAW 7573 Contract Drafting
LAW 7577 Role of the DC Lawyer
LAW 7578 Semester in D.C. Field Placement
LAW 7579 The Business of Law
LAW 7585 US Law and Legal Institutions: Research and Writing
LAW 7587 Ethics of Public Health
LAW 7592 Health and Human Rights
LAW 7600 Administrative Law
LAW 7601 Alternative Dispute Resolution
LAW 7602 Appellate Advocacy
LAW 7605 Business Organizations
LAW 7609 Clinic: Asylum and Human Rights
LAW 7610 Clinic: Asylum and Human Rights Fieldwork
LAW 7611 Clinic: Asylum and Human Rights, Advanced Fieldwork
LAW 7616 Clinic: Environmental Law
LAW 7619 Clinic: Criminal Defense, Fieldwork
LAW 7620 Clinic: Criminal Defense
LAW 7624 Field Placement: Legislative
LAW 7626 Clinic: Tax
LAW 7628 Clinic: Criminal Appellate Division
LAW 7632 Conflict of Laws
LAW 7635 Secured Transactions
LAW 7636 Corporate Finance
LAW 7637 Clinic: Criminal, Advanced Fieldwork
LAW 7639 Bankruptcy
LAW 7642 Clinic: Tax Fieldwork
LAW 7644 Criminal Procedure, Advanced
LAW 7645 Criminal Procedure
LAW 7646 Clinic: Tax, Advanced Fieldwork
LAW 7650 Environmental Law
LAW 7653 European Human Rights
LAW 7655 Employment Discrimination Law
LAW 7657 Family Law
LAW 7659 Federal Courts
LAW 7660 Federal Estate and Gift Taxation
LAW 7661 Federal Income Tax
LAW 7667 Income Taxation of Corporations and Their Shareholders
LAW 7668 Federal Taxation of Partners and Partnerships
LAW 7672 Immigration Law
LAW 7673 Alternative Risk Management
LAW 7675 Principles of Insurance
LAW 7676 International Aspects of U.S. Income Taxation
LAW 7677 International Business Transactions
LAW 7679 International Law
LAW 7686 Liability Insurance
LAW 7691 Health Care Financing
LAW 7703 Election Law
LAW 7705 Cyberlaw
LAW 7705 Legal and Cultural Issues in Cyberspace
LAW 7711 Healthcare Liability Insurance
LAW 7715 Intellectual Property
LAW 7716 Patent Law
LAW 7717 Insurance Regulation
LAW 7721 Land Use
LAW 7723 Real Estate Transactions
LAW 7724 Securities Regulation
LAW 7728 Multistate Taxation in the New Millennium
LAW 7730 Legislation and Statutory Interpretation
LAW 7734 Copyright
LAW 7735 Patent Law, Adv: Practice and Procedure
LAW 7739 Antitrust and Trade Regulation
LAW 7740 Trial Advocacy
LAW 7741 Trial Advocacy, Intensive
LAW 7742 Trusts and Estates
LAW 7743 Clinic: Child Advocacy, Fieldwork
LAW 7744 Clinic: Child Advocacy
LAW 7753 Patent Litigation
LAW 7759 The Nuremberg Trials
LAW 7763 Law and the Mental Health System
LAW 7766 Labor Law: The Union Organizing Campaign and the National Labor Relations Act
LAW 7771 Islamic Finance and Investment Law
LAW 7773 Employment Law
LAW 7774 Surety Law
LAW 7777 Race and the American Legal System
LAW 7781 Insurance Litigation, Current Issues and Trends
LAW 7785 Admiralty Law: Boats and the Federal Courts
LAW 7786 Law of Marine Insurance
LAW 7787 Principles of Reinsurance
LAW 7790 Property Insurance
LAW 7792 Street Law in the High Schools
LAW 7796 Field Placement: State's Attorney's - Seminar
LAW 7797 Field Placement: State's Attorney's - Fieldwork
LAW 7798 Clinic: Intellectual Property and Entrepreneurship, Advanced Fieldwork
LAW 7799 Insurance Solvency Law and Regulation
LAW 7804 Reproductive Technologies and the Law
LAW 7805 International Environmental Law
LAW 7806 Renewable Energy Law
LAW 7810 Federal Indian Law
LAW 7812 Energy Regulation and Policy
LAW 7814 Refugee Law
LAW 7829 Comparative Intellectual Property Law
LAW 7844 Field Placement: Center for Energy and Environmental Law
LAW 7858 Contemporary Legal Theory/Philosophy
LAW 7865 Health Law
LAW 7872 Comparative Law and Rights
LAW 7877 Clinic: Intellectual Property
LAW 7878 International Human Rights
LAW 7883 Human Rights Post Conflict Justice
LAW 7888 Juvenile Law
LAW 7891 Law and Literature
LAW 7892 Law and Literature of Crime
LAW 7894 Law and Economics
LAW 7895 Law and Cognition
LAW 7898 Clinic: Transactional
LAW 7899 Clinic: Transactional, Advanced Fieldwork
LAW 7901 Elder Law
LAW 7902 Legal Research, Advanced
LAW 7905 Special Education Law
LAW 7906 Higher Education Law
LAW 7907 State Legislative Process
LAW 7910 Connecticut Civil Procedure
LAW 7912 Law, Consciousness, and Free Will
LAW 7919 Clinic: United States' Attorney's
LAW 7925 Sexuality, Gender and the Law
LAW 7928 Employee Benefits and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act
LAW 7935 Practice Ready Research
LAW 7939 Trademark Law
LAW 7944 Advocacy Competition, Interscholastic
LAW 7948 Mock Trial Competition, Interscholastic
LAW 7956 Faculty Directed Reading Seminar
LAW 7976 SJD Continuous Registration
LAW 7977 LL.M. Research Paper
LAW 7979 Field Placement: Individual Field Placement Seminar
LAW 7980 Federal and State Unfair and Deceptive Trade Practice Laws
LAW 7983 Legal Spanish II
LAW 7985 Technology and Law Practice
LAW 7987 Legislation and Regulation
LAW 7990 Law and Forensic Science
LAW 7991 Legal Practice Workshop
LAW 7994 Teaching Assistantship
LAW 7995 LL.M. Thesis
LAW 7996 Field Placement: Individual
LAW 7997 Moot Court Competition, Interscholastic
LAW 7998 Legal Editorship
LAW 7999 Special Research Project